
Training Class
Terms & Conditions
Lessons are held at Severn Beach Village Hall, Ableton Lane, Severn Beach, Bristol , BS35 4PP and The Halls at Easter Compton, Main Road, Easter Compton. BS35 5SJ
Dogs must be comfortable and happy in the presence of other dogs and people.
Dogs must have received their puppy vaccinations to attend classes.
Puppies may attend puppy class after they have received their first vaccinations.
Lessons must be paid for in advance to confirm your booking.
Group lessons are not refundable or transferable.
Dogs must not attend classes if they are unwell or infectious.
Bitches cannot attend classes if they are in season.
Should a lesson need to be cancelled at short notice, participants will be contacted by email and a notice will be posted on Facebook.
If Emma is unable to teach a class, an alternative instructor may be provided, otherwise lessons will resume as soon as possible.
Covid Policy
We will operate as per the current Government and Defra approved CFGS guidelines.
Masks can be worn if preferred.
Hands will be washed and/or sanitised on arrival and departure. Products will be supplied
Please do not arrive before your lesson start time.
Please wait outside the hall and we will let you in at the start of the lesson.
Any items provided (chairs etc) will be thoroughly cleaned with Safe 4 disinfectant.
Dogs must be on a lead or long line unless instructed otherwise.
Clients need to bring their own treats, toys, collar, harness, lead, long line and poo bags.
All litter must be taken home by the client for disposal.
Severn Beach Village Hall is an indoor venue. Windows and interior doors will be open to help provide airflow.
Toilet facilities are available.
Persons must not attend class if experiencing symptoms of coronovirus, waiting for test results, or in isolation.
In the event of a change in Government policy, classes are subject to change. Zoom lessons, a 121 or telephone consultation, may be offered as an alternative. Classes will resume as soon as allowed.
This policy is in place to help keep all parties as safe as possible.
Many thanks,